
Soufeel Charm Bracelet

Hello Beautiful Ladies !!! Today is Monday and like every Monday, I didn’t want to wake up and go to work, but as always happens, I dragged myself out of the bed and prepared myself to go to work. Anyways, this always happens and I know that I am not the only one with such …

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Banggood Giveaway

Hello Beautiful Ladies !!! Today for the first time I am here with a giveaway for you all. The giveaway is sponsored by a site called Banggood.com. Banggood is an amazing site where you can find a huge variety of clothing items, bags and shoes and the best part is that they ship to India …

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OOTD: Denim on Denim

Hello Beautiful Ladies !!! Today I will be sharing with you all an Outfit which I wore for a family dinner few days back. As I was going out with my family I didn’t wear anything fancy, but I wanted to be comfortable and what can be more comfortable than a denim. I paired with …

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Gray Dress from Dresslink.com: OOTD

Hello Beautiful Ladies, Few days back I wrote a post about my wishlist from the site Dresslink.com (can be seen HERE) and I showed you an amazing grey colored dress that I ordered from them. the dress has finally reached me and honestly saying I am loving the dress. Buy HERE Details about the dress: Material: …

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It’s All about Black Eyes

Hello Beautiful ladies! Whenever we think about makeup we usually think about a perfect face, beautifully done eyes and well maintained and colored lips. All these aspects are very important in getting a full face of makeup, but today what I will be talking about is black dramatic eyes. In this post I will be …

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The Creative Blogger Award

It’s being a while that everybody is talking about Liebster award, but I never got nominated for the same as I am new to this community of Bloggers. But thanks to Bethany Nightingale from http://thattypicalgurl.blogspot.in/ who nominated me to this new award called ‘The creative Blogger Award. This is my first time and yes I …

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Dresslink Wishlist

Hello beautiful Ladies! How are you all ? Hope you are enjoying your Saturday Night 🙂 Since the day I started this blog I am more into makeup and fashion and this makes me surf the net in search of new brands and site from where I can buy stuff. my search for something new …

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