
Miscarriage: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Miscarriage is a common phenomenon affecting around 15-20% of the ladies. Miscarriage is defined as the condition of spontaneous abortion or loss of pregnancy during the first 20 weeks. It is considered as one of the most common types of pregnancy loss.

It usually happens due to the reason that many females do not know that they are pregnant and miscarry themselves while in other conditions the health-care provider confirms the pregnancy very late.


Causes of Miscarriage:

Many people have a misconception that miscarriage occurs either due to moderate exercise, routinely involved in sex or having a cup of coffee.

  • One of the leading causes of miscarriage includes genetic or chromosomal abnormality due to the spontaneous mutations.
  • Other conditions include uterine abnormalities or clotting and bleeding disorders.

Other risk factors involved in miscarriage are:

  • Smoking
  • Drug use
  • Excess drinking
  • Maternal trauma for example car accident
  • A bacteria such as Listeria
  • Advanced maternal age such as above 35
  • Structural or hormonal abnormalities in pregnant mothers
  • Infections or chronic illnesses such as Diabetes, Thyroid disease, Fifth disease or Lyme disease
Signs & Symptoms Associated with Miscarriage:

Spotting during early pregnancy is very common, but it indicates some abnormal happening during pregnancy which might also be the sign of miscarriage.

Other than that, signs and symptoms experienced by women during miscarriage include:

  • Weight loss
  • Mild, moderate or severe form of back pain
  • True contractions which might be very painful after every 5-20 minutes
  • Bright red or brown colored bleeding with or without the associated cramps
  • You might experience a tissue-like material in clot passing through the vagina
  • Loss of symptoms related to pregnancy such as vomiting or nausea

The treatment goal for miscarriage involves the prevention of infection or hemorrhage. The earlier you experience miscarriage, the more likely it is a chance that your body will expel the fetal tissues on its own rather than the medical procedures. However, in later stages, the body does not discharge the membrane, and the doctor needs to opt for medical procedures.

These methods involve the prevention of infection and further bleeding by performing a process known as dilation and curettage also termed as D & C. the doctor also prescribes the medicines to control bleeding, and if bleeding is still severe, then you need to contact your physician immediately.

Other than the physical recovery you need to cope up with the emotional healing and try conceiving again. Maintain your communication with the close friends and family members to keep yourself happy and away from stress. When dealing with high stress levels you can use the link to learn more about the CBD and Hemp oil tinctures and how can they benefit you.


The most common cause of miscarriage during pregnancy includes chromosomal abnormality, so there is nothing you can do about it. However, to prevent abortion, you need to keep yourself healthy and maintain a calm, peaceful environment for conception.

  • Eat healthy foods
  • Exercise regularly
  • Try to manage stress
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Consume folic acid on daily basis
  • Avoid smoking

Try to maintain yourself as healthy as possible during pregnancy to avoid any complications or to lead to miscarriage. Try keeping your abdomen safe, avoid smoking or drinking alcohol, limit or eliminate the use of caffeine, keep yourself away from environmental hazards including infectious diseases or radiation and keep yourself away from contact sports which might lead to injury during pregnancy.

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